With his own tree and a Clifford-size stocking hanging on the door, Clifford seems ready for Christmas, but he is not prepared for Santa sliding down the chimney and falling into his stocking.
Clifford and Emily Elizabeth helping when the circus comes to town. As always Clifford saves the day. The pictures are bright and engaging and the book describes many different aspects of the circus.
Clifford and his family move to Birdwell Island to give the big red dog room to play, but the neighbors think he's a nuisance until he shows them that his size can be an advantage.
When Clifford, T-Bone, and Cleo meet K.C., at first, they do not know how to treat him since he has only three legs. Later, they learn that he is just like them.
Doggedly digging up his roots, Clifford, the big red dog, visits his city-dwelling mother; his brother, who works at a fire station; his sister, a seeing-eye dog; and his second sister, a farm dog.