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Seven dreams

Vollmann, William T
Showing 1 - 5 of 5
Book cover for "The ice-shirt".
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Book cover for "Second dream, fathers and crows".
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Book cover for "Argall".
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"Half a thousand years ago, a young Indian "princess" named Pocahontas might or might not have rescued an English mercenary named John Smith from being executed at her father's command. She might or might not have been in love with him. Legend has it that thanks to Pocahontas, the colony at Jamestown was saved, and the English and the Indians became friends. Of course, they didn't. Massacres occurred on both sides until the Indians were dispossessed....
Book cover for "The dying grass".
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5 stars
In this new installment in his acclaimed series of novels examining the collisions between Native Americans and European colonizers, William T. Vollmann tells the story of the Nez Perce War, with flashbacks to the Civil War. Defrauded and intimidated at every turn, the Nez Perces finally went on the warpath in 1877, subjecting the U.S. Army to its greatest defeat since Little Big Horn as they fled from northeast Oregon across Montana to the Canadian...
Book cover for "Sixth dream, the rifles".
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