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Simon Bognor mysteries

Heald, Tim
Showing 1 - 13 of 13
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Star rating for Unbecoming Habits
Series Volume:
For the sake of honey, Bognor investigates a cabal of treasonous monks As the friars of the abbey gather for group prayer, Brother Luke stays in the garden. His tardiness is not due to an overenthusiasm for his potatoes, but to the fact that he is lying face down in the dirt, strangled to death by his own crucifix. For Simon Bognor, this will prove inconvenient. A special investigator attached to the British Board of Trade, Bognor knows that Brother...
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Star rating for Blue Blood Will Out
Series Volume:
At a for-profit ancestral pile, Bognor seeks an earl-killing sniper As real estate moguls slice and dice the great properties of the English countryside, the rambling grounds of Abney House are kept intact by being turned into a sort of theme park of the aristocracy for the public-complete with cafeteria, sailing museum, and safari-themed shooting gallery. But the theme isn't complete until a visiting earl is felled by a sniper's bullet, giving Abney...
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Star rating for Deadline
Series Volume:
To learn who killed a loathsome gossip columnist, Bognor joins the paper
Staggering homeward from a banquet, St. John Derby decides it would be easier to stagger back to work instead. When he reaches his desk, the booze-addled gossip columnist treats himself to a massive tumbler of port and calls for a taxi. By the time the cab arrives, the port is spilled on the carpet, mingling with the blood leaking from Derby’s cut throat. No one...
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Star rating for Let Sleeping Dogs Die
Series Volume:
A poisoned poodle drags Bognor into the high-stakes world of international dog smuggling Whately Wonderful is taking himself on his morning walk when he spies the slab of sirloin. An exceptionally well-bred poodle, he knows there is something odd about the great hunk of meat, but temptation overwhelms him. Just a few minutes after he gobbles up the suspicious steak, Whately is dead, and the world of British dog breeding will never be the same. Board...
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Star rating for Just Desserts
Series Volume:
When a restaurateur dies suspiciously, Bognor is forced to eat his way to the truth Dinner service is over, the staff has left, and Escoffier Savarin Smith is about to tuck into a couple of bottles of champagne. He seals the windows with electrical tape, fiddles with a canister of gas, and begins to drink. When his staff arrives the next morning to open the restaurant, the champagne is drunk, the air has been poisoned, and the greatest chef in England...
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Star rating for Murder at Moose Jaw
Series Volume:
Bognor braves the frost to discover who has murdered Canada's richest man In his lavish private train car, Sir Roderick Farquhar draws a bath. When it has been filled to his satisfaction, the portly captain of industry tips in three drops of bath oil and lowers himself into the steam. Within seconds, the poison in the oil has stopped his heart and ruined Simon Bognor's winter. A special investigator for Britain's Board of Trade, Bognor makes the...

7.  A small masterpiece

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Series Volume:
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Star rating for Red Herrings
Series Volume:
An ancient country custom goes awry, killing a man and spoiling Bognor's holiday At the annual Clout, the men of Herring do as they have done for centuries, firing arrows blindly into the woods and allowing their women to retrieve what they have shot. Nobody ever kills anything, but it's a jolly time nonetheless-until the day when a few of the arrows find their mark, pinning a wayward customs inspector to a tree in a bloody parody of Saint Sebastian....
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Star rating for Brought to Book
Series Volume:
Bognor tries to understand how a publishing magnate could have been crushed by smut Before retiring for the night, Vernon Hemlock pours a brandy, lights a cigar, and takes a look at his cache of pornography. Far more than a wad of dirty magazines stashed under a mattress, this is a collection of some of the world's finest erotica, dating back as far as a dirty doodle drawn by da Vinci. The millionaire publisher is perusing the Swedish section when...
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Star rating for Business Unusual
Series Volume:
In the dullest town in England, Bognor becomes enmeshed in a civic club murder English politicians love to prattle on about the honest mettle of towns like Scarpington-mid-sized cities full of ugly buildings, ugly people, and a surfeit of wholesome values. In hopes of learning more about just what the nation's heartland is up to, the Board of Trade orders special investigator Simon Bognor to relocate to Scarpington and not to return until he knows...
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Star rating for Death in the opening chapter
Series Volume:
On the eve of the Flanagan Fludd Literary Festival, the Reverend Sebastian Fludd is discovered gently swinging from the end of a rope in his own church. While Sebastian's cousin and lord of the manor, Sir Branwell Fludd, is keen to record a verdict of suicide, Branwell's friend and weekend guest, Sir Simon Bognor, is more concerned to get the truth.
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Star rating for Poison at the Pueblo
Series Volume:

A Simon Bognor mystery - At an exclusive language school in the hills outside Salamanca, former British gangster Jimmy Trubshawe is discovered flat on his back in his luxury cabin, clad only in boxer shorts and white socks, his face an unattractive shade of purple. He is, of course, extremely dead. The cause is soon established as the ingestion of poisonous mushrooms. But was the unfortunate Trubshawe's fatal meal an accident - or murder? Alerted

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Star rating for Yet Another Death in Venice
Series Volume:
Along the canals of Venice, Bognor investigates a mogul's medieval murder Flush with cash from the success of his latest insipid blockbuster, aspiring film mogul Irving Silverburger takes to Venice to soak himself in luxury. Instead, he is quickly soaked in blood. Cruising down the canal in a vaporetto, Silverburger is shot with a crossbow, killed by a Harlequin who disappears into the masquerade of Carnival. Unmasking the disguised assassin falls...